Work With Best-In-Class Companies
Our Promise To You
We commit to listening to what you are looking for in a career.
We recognize that staffing shouldn’t be “one job fits all”, so we are committed to seeking out all types of jobs to help a broader range of people.
We commit to looking at all of your skills, and recognizing that you are more than your resume.
We commit to being understanding, communicative, and caring in our approach to you.
What Jobs Can You Find With Us?
We partner with the most desirable employers in Sacramento with a variety of needs.
Our most in-demand jobs are Light Industrial, Warehousing, and Customer Service.
Our recruiters also have experience with Administrative, Clerical, and Help Desk roles.
The majority of our talent work contingent-to-hire on long-term opportunities.
Who Is A Good Fit To Work For Our Partner Companies?
Job seekers looking for a great opportunity and are willing to be present in every opportunity provided to them.
Good communicators with excellent follow-through.
Individuals who take their work seriously.
Job hunters who want to work in diverse environments that promote diversity and inclusion.
Spread the Word! Get Paid!
We offer a referral bonus for any person you refer to us that we are able to successfully find a job for.