Benefits Of Using A Staffing Agency
There is an age-old debate in the workplace about the benefits of utilizing an outside source for recruiting need vs. keeping it in house. While both methods will provide you with the same outcome at the end, a fully staffed organization, employers must think through a cost-benefit analysis before determining the method that is best suited for their organization. Here are a few things to consider:
Does your organization have a strong candidate pipeline year-round?
Recruitment doesn’t just happen when you find yourself with a job opening. Recruiting is a year-round job. Do you have an HR team that is building a pipeline all year? Great! If not, it’s going to take you a lot longer to recruit qualified candidates who are excited to join your organization. Balanced Diversity is working every day to build a strong pipeline of candidates across our core industries and has a large list of candidates to pull from when you find yourself with a sudden opening or listing.
Do you have a team member solely dedicated to recruiting?
If recruitment is just one of the many hats that your team members wear on a daily basis, taking time out of their schedule to market, screen, recruit, and onboard candidates are probably costing you more than you realize. Decreased production, decreased morale, and unqualified candidates are just some of the costs you are paying. While hiring a staffing agency to assist you may seem like an added expense, the decision is oftentimes a cost-saving for an organization, allowing your team to focus on their jobs and production goals, leaving the work of finding your next great team member to us.
Do you have high turnover?
We all know that the cost to hire an employee is much greater than their hourly rate. So the cost of high turnover can be overwhelming to companies. Utilizing a staffing agency allows you to bring on candidates without the overhead costs associated with hiring, onboarding, statutory fees, and more. If the candidate does not work out, you don’t have to pay into unemployment insurance and other fees. You can oftentimes receive a qualified replacement the next day and experience a limited impact on your production goals, if any.
Are you still on the fence about what’s the best decision for your organization? Give us a call and we will help you dive deeper into your options to find the best path to meet your needs.